A Rare Agreement: Michael Moore Defends Joe Biden Michael Moore, the prominent left-wing filmmaker notorious for his extreme views and provocative rhetoric, recently made an unexpected statement. In a surprising...
Vice President Kamala Harris’s tenure has been marred by a series of missteps and failures, revealing a disturbing lack of understanding about basic economic principles. Her unpopularity and ineffectiveness highlight...
In a significant development, former Republican Senator James Inhofe from Oklahoma passed away at the age of 89. The demise was confirmed by his family to Tulsa World, stating that...
In a recent case, former Tennessee BlueCross BlueShield employee Tanja Benton was awarded nearly $700,000 in backpay and damages by a grand jury after she refused to comply with the...
Whoopi Goldberg’s recent remarks on “The View” have once again ignited controversy, showcasing her unwavering support for President Biden and harsh criticism of former President Trump. These comments reveal her...
The mental health of Joe Biden, the former Vice President and current presidential candidate, has raised concerns and stimulated discussions across the nation. His perceived cognitive decline is causing waves...
The ongoing political drama concerning President Joe Biden’s mental health has intensified, with an insider report suggesting his cognitive decline is worse than the public perceives. This revelation has fueled...
In light of growing concerns about President Joe Biden’s potential re-election bid, wealthy Democratic donors have pledged significant financial backing for additional debates among presidential hopefuls should Biden choose not...
Notorious Hollywood liberal and avid supporter of Joe Biden, Rob Reiner, has sent shockwaves through his followers with his recent criticism of the President’s debate performance. The director, known for...
Several top-ranking House Democrats have reportedly urged President Biden to suspend his presidential campaign following a lackluster debate performance against former President Donald Trump. The call for Biden’s suspension was...
In a move that signifies his readiness to openly discuss the issues affecting his country and seek international support, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has agreed to an interview with former...
A recent Ipsos/Reuters poll suggests that Democrats may face challenges in defeating former President Donald Trump, even if they decide to replace President Biden. It appears the Democratic Party would...
The Trump re-election campaign has revealed plans for an upcoming event, possibly unveiling the much-anticipated vice presidential candidate. The event, known as the “Freedom First Event”, is set to occur...
The Pennsylvania State Capitol complex was abruptly cleared out on Saturday, following a bomb threat that targeted more than 250 people, including the entirety of the Pennsylvania House and Senate....
FedEx is leveraging AI-enhanced camera systems to monitor its delivery trucks in a bid to improve safety, assist law enforcement agencies and reduce costs. However, these measures have raised concerns...